Modding events works very similar to modding other things in Dominions and you enter the events commands in the same file as the other mod commands in your mod and the same minimum requirements apply. You should know the basics of how to mod nations and units before doing the more advanced event modding.
Events can create numeric codes tied to the province they occur in. These codes can then be requirements, enabling specific follow-up events.
If the same event code is used by different events (for example in two different mods), this will scramble event chains and create potentially severe bugs and other strangeness. To limit this problem,please use only negative event numbers -300 to -5000. Avoid all other event codes except 0, which is the default in all provinces and can be used to reset the event chain in a province. This range of event codes should probably be split between different mods, so that conflicting code can be avoided. If multiple event mods are used in a game, they should be carefully checked for compatibility first.
This command removes all events from the game. You usually don’t want to use this command.
This command creates a new event. All subsequent commands will modify this event until modding the event is finished with the #end command.
Always use this command at the end of modifying an event.
#rarity <nbr>
Sets the rarity of the event. Normal events should use number 1, 2, -1, -2, 11 or 12. The other numbers are always events that are best used for creating global enchantment effects or special dominion effects.
The always events will occur every month in every province unless they are limited somehow. The normal always event uses rarity 0 and only one rarity 0 event can occur in each province per month. Rarity 5 is like rarity 0, except that any number of rarity 5 events can occur in a single province each month. Usually rarity 5 should only be used for global enchantment effects.
The global events are planned 7 months before they are executed, except for number 13 that happens immediately. This delay is necessary because fortune tellers should be able to foresee them. Otherwise the events will appear by random chance. Event rarities are listed in the table below. Certain event effects can modify the event calendar.
Nbr | Rarity |
0 | always |
1 | common bad |
2 | uncommon bad |
5 | always (unlimited) |
-1 | common good |
-2 | uncommon good |
10 | always global |
11 | common global |
12 | uncommon global |
13 | always immediate global |
These commands set the requirements needed for an event to happen.
#req_rare <percent>
The event is extra rare and only has a <percent> chance of being valid when rolled. An always event can be combined with #req_rare to set its chance of happening (per province).
#req_unique <value>
The event can only happen <value> times during the course of the game.
#req_story < 0 | 1 >
Event only happens when story events are enabled. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
#req_indepok < 0 | 1 >
Event can also happen to independents. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
#req_era <value>
Can only happen in this era.
1 = early
2 = mid
3 = late
#req_noera <value>
Cannot happen in this era.
#req_turn <value>
The event cannot happen before this turn.
#req_maxturn <value>
The event cannot happen after this turn.
#req_pregame <value>
The event can happen before the first turn, right after the game has been created, but it will never occur otherwise. The message from this events will show up on the first turn of the game. There are no events like this in the standard game (unless you count the two introduction messages), but it can be used to create special start conditions for mods. These events must have an ‘always’ rarity as no normal events will occur before the first turn.
#req_season <0 – 4>
Event requires this season to happen.
0 = spring
1 = summer
2 = fall
3 = winter
#req_noseason <0 – 4>
The event cannot happen in this season.
#req_nation <nation number>
This nation must be in play for the event to happen.
#req_nonation <nation number>
If this nation is in play the event cannot occur.
#req_fornation <nation number>
The event can only happen for this nation. This command can be used multiple times for the same event to enable it for multiple nations.
#req_notfornation <nation number>
This nation cannot receive the event. The old variant “req_notnation” can also be used for the same effect.
#req_notforally <nation number>
This nation and its allies cannot receive the event. In a non-disciple game this will have the same effect as req_notfornation.
#req_gem <type>
There must be at least one gem of the required type in the gem treasury. Gem types are listed in the table below.
Nbr | Gem Type |
0 | Fire |
1 | Air |
2 | Water |
3 | Earth |
4 | Astral |
5 | Death |
6 | Nature |
7 | Blood slave |
#req_gold <type>
The nation must have at least this much gold in the treasury.
#req_capital < 0 | 1 >
Event can only happen in capital provinces. This includes conquered capital provinces.
1 = only in capitals
0 = never in capitals
#req_owncapital < 0 | 1 >
Event can only happen in event owner’s own capital province.
1 = only in event owner's capital
0 = never in event owner's capital
#req_poptype <value>
The province must have the correct poptype.
The event can also happen in provinces with no population. Standard events are limited to provinces with at least 50 population (5 dekapop).
#req_maxpop <dekapop>
There may not be more than this amount of population in the province. One dekapop = 10 population in game.
#req_minpop <dekapop>
There must be at least this much population in the province.
#req_mindef <value>
There must be at least <value> PD in the province for the event to happen. The value varies with +/- 25%.
#req_maxdef <value>
There may not be more than <value> PD in the province for the event to happen. The value varies with +/- 25%.
#req_minunrest <value>
There must be at least <value> unrest in the province for the event to happen. The value varies with +/- 25%.
#req_maxunrest <value>
There cannot be more than <value> unrest in the province for the event to happen. The value varies with +/- 25%.
#req_lab < 0 | 1 >
There must be a lab in the province. 1 = yes, 0 = no
#req_temple < 0 | 1 >
There must be a temple in the province. 1 = yes, 0 = no
#req_fort < 0 | 1 >
There must be a fort in the province. 1 = yes, 0 = no
#req_land < 0 | 1 >
Event requires land province. 1 = land, 0 = sea.
#req_coast < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have coastal terrain. 1 = must be coast, 0 = cannot be coast.
#req_mountain < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have mountain or border mountain terrain. 1 = must be mountain, 0 = cannot be mountain.
#req_forest < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have forest terrain. 1 = must be forest, 0 = cannot be forest.
#req_farm < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have farm terrain. 1 = must be farm, 0 = cannot be farm.
#req_swamp < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have swamp. 1 = must be swamp, 0 = cannot be swamp.
#req_waste < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have waste terrain. 1 = must be waste, 0 = cannot be waste.
#req_cave < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have cave terrain. 1 = must be cave, 0 = cannot be cave.
#req_freshwater < 0 | 1 >
Event requires the province to have fresh water. 1 = must have fresh water, 0 = cannot have fresh water.
For site requirement commands with the attribute of < 0 | 1 >, the [sitename] of the site in question should be written within brackets at the end of the event message text. For example:
#msg "A clutch of fire drake eggs were discovered in a crater of the volcano. They were duly confiscated by the authorities and properly cared for until they hatched. The newborn fire drakes now serve your armies under the direction of your mages. [Volcano]"
The spelling must be exactly like the site is spelled in the game. A 0 instead of a 1 as value indicates that the requirement is inverted, e.g. the site must not be present and discovered.
#req_freesites <value>
The province must have at least <value> free site slots for the event to happen. Remember to use this requirement if the event creates a site.
#req_nositenbr <site number>
There cannot be this site in the province. If there is, the event cannot happen. This command only accepts the site number as an attribute.
#req_foundsite < 0 | 1 >
Event requires [sitename] to be in the province and discovered.
#req_hiddensite < 0 | 1 >
Event requires [sitename] to be in the province and not discovered.
#req_site < 0 | 1 >
Event requires [sitename] to be in the province. It can be discovered or hidden.
#req_nearbysite < 0 | 1 >
Event requires [sitename] to be in the province or adjacent provinces.
#req_claimedthrone < 0 | 1 >
The throne [sitename] must be claimed by someone. Combine with #req_site to target the throne province.
#req_unclaimedthrone < 0 | 1 >
The throne [sitename] must be present in the game and unclaimed. Combine with #req_site to target the throne province.
#req_fullowner <nation number>
The event requires this nation to control the province, any fort (if present) and to have positive dominion in the province.
#req_domowner <nation number>
The event requires this nation to have dominion in the province.
#req_mydominion < 0 | 1 >
Event requires province owner’s dominion. 0 = must not have owner’s dominion.
#req_dominion <0 - 10>
The province must have the owner’s dominion at <value> candles or more.
#req_maxdominion <-10 - 10>
The province must have a dominion strength of no more than <value> for the event to happen. Negative values can be used and mean that enemy dominion of that strength or stronger is required for the event to happen.
#req_domchance <0 - 100> Requires a dominion and the higher dominion the higher the chance of this event happening. The owner of the dominion, friendly or not, does not matter for this command. The event will have dominion value * this value % chance of happening (if it should have happened without this command that is). This command can be used to create global enchantments that have the chance of something happening scale with dominion strength.
#req_godismnr “name” | <number>
Requires the event owner’s Pretender God (or Disciple) to be a specific monster type.
Events with scale requirements can only trigger if the province has the required scale at the required level. The value for scale requirements can range from -3 to 3. When a negative number is used as an argument, the event can happen in the opposite scale as well.
For example, #req_growth -1 would allow the event to happen if the province has a Growth / Death scale of Death 1, neutral or any level of Growth, but cannot happen if the scale value is Death 2 or Death 3.
#req_chaos <value>
Turmoil scale required.
#req_lazy <value>
Sloth scale required.
#req_cold <value>
Cold scale required.
#req_death <value>
Death scale required.
#req_unluck <value>
Misfortune scale required.
#req_unmagic <value>
Drain scale required.
#req_order <value>
Order scale required.
#req_prod <value>
Production scale required.
#req_heat <value>
Heat scale required.
#req_growth <value>
Growth scale required.
#req_luck <value>
Luck scale required.
#req_magic <value>
Magic scale required.
The argument of “name” | <number> means monster name or monster number.
#req_commander < 0 | 1 >
There must be a non-sneaking commander present for the event to happen. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
#req_monster “name” | <number>
This monster must be present in the province.
#req_2monsters “name” | <number>
This monster must be present in the province and there must be at least 2 of them.
#req_5monsters “name” | <number>
This monster must be present in the province and there must be at least 5 of them.
#req_nomonster “name” | <number>
This monster cannot be present in the province.
#req_mnr “name” | <number>
This monster must be present somewhere in the world or the event cannot happen. The command can be used multiple times and then all of the monsters must be in the world.
#req_nomnr “name” | <number>
This monster must not be present in the world or the event cannot happen. This requirement is best used with unique monsters or national heroes. This command can be used multiple times and then none of the monsters may be in the world.
For example, #req_nomnr 563 would require the Queen of Storms to not have been summoned yet. If she has already been summoned, the event can no longer happen. If she is killed, the event can happen again until she is summoned once more.
#req_deadmnr “name” | <number>
This monster must be present or be among the dead monsters or the event cannot happen. Unique monsters and heroes stay among the dead monsters when they are killed, ordinary monsters are purged from memory when they are killed. Use this command to see if a unique monster has ever been summoned to the game.
#req_mintroops <value>
There must be at least this many troops in the province for the event to happen.
#req_maxtroops <value>
There may not be more than this many troops in the province for the event to happen.
There must be a humanoid researcher present in the province for the event to happen.
There must be a researcher present in the province for the event to happen.
#req_preach <value>
Event has a chance of <value> per priest level of happening when a priest is present and preaching the teachings of his god.
#req_pathfire <level>
There must be a Fire mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathair <level>
There must be an Air mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathwater <level>
There must be a Water mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathearth <level>
There must be an Earth mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathastral <level>
There must be an Astral mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathdeath <level>
There must be a Death mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathnature <level>
There must be a Nature mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathblood <level>
There must be a Blood mage of at least this level in the province.
#req_pathholy <level>
There must be a Priest of at least this level in the province.
#req_nopathfire <level>
There cannot be a Fire mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathair <level>
There cannot be an Air mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathwater <level>
There cannot be a Water mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathearth <level>
There cannot be an Earth mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathastral <level>
There cannot be an Astral mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathdeath <level>
There cannot be a Death mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathnature <level>
There cannot be a Nature mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathblood <level>
There cannot be a Blood mage of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathholy <level>
There cannot be a Priest of this level or higher in the province.
#req_nopathall <level>
There cannot be a mage or priest of any kind of this level or higher in the province.
A single commander must fulfill all target requirements for the event to occur. Some commands may be used multiple times with different values (e.g. Monster types), in which case one of the conditions being present fulfills that requirement.
#req_targmnr “name” | <number>
Target commander must be this monster type. This command can be used multiple times.
#req_targnomnr “name” | <number>
Target commander mustn’t be this monster type. This command can be used multiple times.
#req_targgod < 0 | 1 >
Target must be god.
1 = must be pretender or disciple
0 = cannot be pretender or disciple
#req_targprophet < 0 | 1 >
Target must be a prophet.
1 = must be a prophet
0 = cannot be a prophet
#req_targhumanoid < 0 | 1 >
Sets item slot requirement for target.
1 = must have hands
0 = must not have hands
#req_targmale < 0 | 1 >
Sets target’s gender requirement.
1 = must be male
0 = must be female
#req_targpath1 <path number>
Must have level 1+ in target magic path.
#req_targpath2 <path number>
Must have level 2+ in target magic path.
#req_targpath3 <path number>
Must have level 3+ in target magic path.
#req_targpath4 <path number>
Must have level 4+ in target magic path.
#req_targnopath1 <path number>
Must have level 0 in target magic path.
#req_targnopath2 <path number>
Must have level 0-1 in target magic path.
#req_targnopath3 <path number>
Must have level 0-2 in target magic path.
#req_targnopath4 <path number>
Must have level 0-3 in target magic path.
Nbr | Magic Path |
0 | Fire |
1 | Air |
2 | Water |
3 | Earth |
4 | Astral |
5 | Death |
6 | Nature |
7 | Blood |
8 | Priest |
50 | Random |
51 | Elemental |
52 | Sorcery |
53 | All (not priest) |
#req_targaff <affliction number>
Target must have this affliction. If you have multiple afflictions added together, then the target must have all of these afflictions.
#req_targnoaff <affliction number>
Target mustn’t have this affliction. If you have multiple afflictions added together, then the target mustn’t have all of these afflictions.
#req_targorder <order number>
Target must be performing these orders. This command can be used multiple times, in which case one of the conditions being present is sufficient to fulfill the requirement. Target orders are listed in the table below.
Nbr | Order |
0 | Defend |
2 | Sneak |
3 | Patrol |
4 | Research |
6 | Preach |
7 | Site search |
8 | Blood hunt |
14 | Call God |
17 | Summon allies |
18 | Build lab |
19 | Build temple |
20 | Build fort |
44 | Demolish fort |
45 | Demolish lab |
50 | Enter site (except scry) |
52 | Void Summon |
#req_targitem “item name” | <item number>
Target must have this magic item.
#req_targnoitem “item name” | <item number>
Target must not have this magic item.
#req_targundead <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be an undead.
#req_targdemon <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be a demon.
#req_targanimal <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be an animal.
#req_targinanimate <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be an inanimate being.
#req_targmindless <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be mindless.
#req_targimmobile <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be immobile.
#req_targmagicbeing <0 | 1>
Target must (not) be a magic being.
#req_targowner <nation number>
Target must owned by this nation. Negative nation number cannot be used and the command can only be used once per event.
Indicates that the target can be owned by someone else than the owner of the land. The default (without this command) is that all req_targ… commands only target commanders that are owned by the player that owns the land where the event occurs.
#req_targminsize <size>
Target must be this size or larger.
#req_targmaxsize <size>
Target must be this size of smaller.
These commands set event code requirements that must be fulfilled for the event to take place. They are generally used in event chains where the event requires another event to have taken place previously.
There is a risk of incompatible mods if the same event codes are used across different mods!
Please use only negative event codes from -300 and downwards, or it may interfere with the events in the vanilla game (except for 0, which is default).
#req_code <event code>
Province must have this event code. Can be used multiple times for an event. If the command is used multiple times, one of the codes being present is sufficient to fulfill the requirement. Use #req_code 0 for events that generate event codes. Otherwise they may break ongoing event chains.
#req_anycode <event code>
Event code must be present somewhere in the world. Can be used multiple times for an event. If the command is used multiple times, one of the codes being present is sufficient to fulfill the requirement.
#req_notanycode <event code>
Event code must not be present in the world. Can be used multiple times for an event. If the command is used multiple times, none of the codes may be present.
#req_nearbycode <event code>
Event code must be present in a neighboring province.
#req_nearowncode <event code>
Current province or neighboring province owned by the same player must have this event code.
These commands are intended for global enchantment creation.
#req_permonth <nbr>
This event can only happen <nbr> times per month.
#req_noench <ench nbr>
This enchantment cannot be active.
#req_ench <ench nbr>
This enchantment must be active.
#req_myench <ench nbr>
This enchantment must be active and owned by the event owner.
#req_friendlyench <ench nbr>
This enchantment must be active and friendly.
#req_hostileench <ench nbr>
This enchantment must be active and hostile.
#req_enchdom <ench nbr>
This enchantment must be active and in its owner’s dominion.
#req_arenadone <0 | 1>
The will require that an arena battle has taken place (been resolved) earlier this turn. If set to zero an arena battle must not have taken place.
#nation <nation number>
Sets the nation that owns the event. The default owner is independents.
-1 = random enemy
-2 = province owner
The effects of the event are applied in the province where the event occurs and by the nation who owns the event. In an event with an attack, it can be used to set the attacking troops to be non-independents.
#nationench <nation number>
Sets the event owner to the nation that has this global enchantment active. This command is useful to create global enchantments that spawns units owned by the caster of the global enchantment.
#msg “<message text>”
Message text for the event. For many event modding commands that need item or site names to be determined for the event to function, the item or site name to be added to the end of the text of this command in brackets. For example:
#msg "An adventurous young mage has tired of his fruitless quest for the fabled Singing Stones and joined your service. [Singing Stones]"
In this example the event probably contains a requirement for the magic site Singing Stones to be in the province or an adjacent province and the command formulation requires the name of the site to be inserted into the message text of the event.
Event does not generate a message.
Event does not appear in the chronicle (event history) of the province where it occurs.
All of these commands affect the gold, gems or magic items in the event owner’s treasury.
#magicitem <rarity>
The nation that owns the event gains a magic item that is placed directly into the lab. Item rarity is listed in the table below. When rarity 9 is used, add the [itemname] in brackets at the end of the event message text defined by the #msg command.
Rarity | Constr Level |
0 | 0 |
1 | 0 - 2 |
2 | 0 - 4 |
3 | 0 - 6 |
4 | 4 - 6 |
9 | [named item] |
#gold <value>
The nation that owns the event gains <value> gold. Use negative numbers for gold loss. The value varies with +/- 50%.
#exactgold <value>
The nation that owns the event gains <value> gold. Use negative numbers for gold loss.
Scale effects alter the scales of a province. Each #incscale command functions as the equivalent #decscale of its opposite.
#incscale <scale>
Increases the specified scale in the province by one step.
Nbr | Scale | Opposite |
0 | Turmoil | Order |
1 | Sloth | Productivity |
2 | Cold | Heat |
3 | Death | Growth |
4 | Misfortune | Luck |
5 | Drain | Magic |
#incscale2 <scale>
Increases the specified scale in the province by two steps.
#incscale3 <scale>
Increases the specified scale in the province by three steps.
#1d3vis <gem type>
Gain 1d3 gems of specified type.
#1d6vis <gem type>
Gain 1d6 gems of specified type.
#2d4vis <gem type>
Gain 2d4 gems of specified type.
#2d6vis <gem type>
Gain 2d6 gems of specified type.
#3d6vis <gem type>
Gain 3d6 gems of specified type.
#decscale <scale>
Decreases the specified scale in the province by one step.
#decscale2 <scale>
Decreases the specified scale in the province by two steps.
#decscale3 <scale>
Decreases the specified scale in the province by three steps.
#4d6vis <gem type>
Gain 4d6 gems of specified type.
#gemloss <gem type>
Lose 3d6 gems of specified type. Gem type 53 can be used for all types, then 1d6 will be lost of each type of gem. Use gem type 56 to exclude blood slaves.
These effects affect the target province directly.
#landgold <value>
Permanent increase to province gold income. Can be negative to reduce income.
#landprod <value>
Permanent increase to province resources. Can be negative to cause reduce resources.
#taxboost <percent>
Tax income increase in the province for one turn. Use negative numbers for a tax decrease. A value of -100 means no gold income for that turn.
#defence <value>
Increases Province Defense by <value>
#kill <percent>
Kills off a percentage of the province population.
#killpop <dekapop>
Kills off a fixed number of province population. One dekapop equals 10 inhabitants. The exact amount varies with +/- 25%.
#incpop <dekapop>
Province population increases by this amount +/- 25%.
#inccorpses <amount>
Number of unburied corpses increases by this amount +/- 25%. The value can be negative to remove corpses.
#emigration <percent>
A percentage of the province population emigrates elsewhere.
#unrest <value>
Unrest in province increased by <value>. Can be negative to reduce unrest.
#incdom <value>
Increases dominion in the province by <value> candles.
#fort <fort number>
Builds a fort of the specified type in the province.
#temple < 0 | 1 >
The event either creates or destroys a temple.
1 = temple gained
0 = temple destroyed
#lab < 0 | 1>
The event either creates or destroys a lab.
1 = new lab
0 = lab destroyed
Reveals the site called [sitename] in the province. [sitename] must be added to the event message text in brackets.
#addsite <site number>
Adds a new, already discovered site to the province. Use -1 for site number to place [sitename] instead. [Sitename] must be added to event message text in brackets.
#removesite <site number>
Removes a site from the province. Use -1 for site number to place [sitename] instead. [sitename] must be added to event message text in brackets. The site will be be removed regardless of being found or not.
#hiddensite <site number>
Adds a new, hidden site to the province. Use -1 for site number to place [sitename] instead. [sitename] must be added to event message text in brackets.
The province is attacked by Bogus the Troll and his Companions.
#newdom <value>
Changes dominion to that of the event owner and sets it to the level of 1d(value) candles.
Province revolts and turns independent.
The name of the province is revealed to the entire world.
Any throne in the province is claimed by the event owner.
#setpoptype <value>
Sets the poptype in a province. The poptype will affect what kind of units that can be recruited in the province.
The argument of “name” | <number> means monster name or monster number.
#assassin “name” | <number>
An assassin of this type attacks a random commander in the province. If a target requirement for the event is set, the assassin attacks that commander.
#assowner <nation number>
The following assassins created by this event will be owned by this nation.
#stealthcom “name” | <number>
The nations that owns the event gains a sneaking commander of the specified type in the province.
#com “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains a commander of the specified type.
#2com “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains two commanders of the specified type.
#4com “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains four commanders of the specified type.
#5com “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains five commanders of the specified type.
#tempunits < 0 | 1>
Units gained after this command are only temporary and disappear after the event has taken place, like the longdead horsemen from the Ghost Riders spell.
1 = temporary units
0 = permanent units
#1unit “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains one unit.
#1d3units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 1d3 units.
#2d3units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 2d3 units.
#3d3units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 3d3 units.
#4d3units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 4d3 units.
#1d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 1d6 units.
#2d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 2d6 units.
#3d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 3d6 units.
#4d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 4d6 units.
#5d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 5d6 units.
#6d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 6d6 units.
#7d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 7d6 units.
#8d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 8d6 units.
#9d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 9d6 units.
#10d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 10d6 units.
#11d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 11d6 units.
#12d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 12d6 units.
#13d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 13d6 units.
#14d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 14d6 units.
#15d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 15d6 units.
#16d6units “name” | <number>
The nation that owns the event gains 16d6 units.
#strikeunits <damage>
All units in the province are hit with an attack.
#killmon “name” | <number>
Kills one non-commander unit of the specified type in the province.
#kill2d6mon “name” | <number>
Kills 2d6 non-commander units of the specified type in the province.
#killcom “name” | <number>
Kills a commander of the specified type in the province.
#curse <percent>
Every unit in the province has this chance of being cursed.
#disease <percent>
Every unit in the province has this chance of becoming diseased.
#researchaff <affliction bitmask>
A researcher suffers an affliction.
#gainaff <affliction bitmask>
One commander determined by target requirements gains the specified affliction. Afflictions are listed in the table below. The bitmask is expressed as powers of 2. Add together several bitmasks if more than one affliction is desired.
2^x | Affliction |
0 | disease |
1 | curse |
3 | plague |
5 | curse of stones |
6 | entangle |
7 | rage |
8 | decay |
9 | burn |
10 | destroyed armor |
11 | rusty armor |
12 | blind |
13 | bleed |
14 | earth grip |
16 | fire bonds |
17 | false fetters |
18 | limp |
19 | lost eye |
20 | weakness |
21 | battle fright |
22 | mute |
23 | chest wound |
24 | crippled |
25 | feeble minded |
26 | never healing wound |
27 | slime |
28 | frozen |
29 | webbed |
30 | arm loss |
One commander determined by target requirements gains one level of horrormark.
#banished <value>
One commander determined by target requirements is banished to another plane.
-11 = The Void
-12 = Inferno
-13 = Kokytos
#addequip <equipment level>
Adds magic items to a commander. Equipment level is from 1 to 4 and corresponds to item level from trinkets to very powerful items. Use the value 9 for equipment level and a bracketed [item name] in the #msg text to add a specific magic item. An item is not guaranteed at equipment level 1. The command also gives the commander gems appropriate to his magic paths.
#transform “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements is transformed into another monster, negative numbers can be used for montags.
Commander set by target requirements is cleared. Commands after this will use default target.
#poison <dmg>
One commander determined by target requirements is poisoned. The poison effect is armor negating but the damage will vary a bit anyway because of the usual +2d6 -2d6 calculations.
#xp <experience points>
One commander determined by target requirements will receive additional XP. The exact amount of XP gained is +/- 25%.
#setxp <experience points>
One commander determined by target requirements will get its XP set to this amount. The exact amount of XP is +/- 25%.
When the target of these commands is set by the target requirements of the event, the monster name or monster number will have no effect (you can set it to -1). If no target requirements have been set, monster name or number is used to determine the target.
#fireboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Fire magic.
#airboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Air magic.
#waterboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Water magic.
#earthboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Earth magic.
#astralboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Astral magic.
#deathboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Death magic.
#natureboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Nature magic.
#bloodboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Blood magic.
#holyboost “name” | <number>
One commander determined by target requirements or the monster number may gain +1 Priest level.
#pathboost <path>
The mage who gains this event has the specified path level increased by 1, to a maximum of 5. The target of this event is set by the target requirements of the event.
Nbr | Path |
0 | Fire |
1 | Air |
2 | Water |
3 | Earth |
4 | Astral |
5 | Death |
6 | Nature |
7 | Blood |
8 | Holy |
These event effects affect every province in the world when the event happens.
#worldincscale <scale>
Increases the specified scale in every province in the world by one step.
#worldincscale2 <scale>
Increases the specified scale in every province in the world by two steps.
#worldincscale3 <scale>
Increases the specified scale in every province in the world by three steps.
#worlddecscale <scale>
Decreases the specified scale in every province in the world by one step.
#worlddecscale2 <scale>
Decreases the specified scale in every province in the world by two steps.
#worlddecscale3 <scale>
Decreases the specified scale in every province in the world by three steps.
Nbr | Scale | Opposite |
0 | Turmoil | Order |
1 | Sloth | Productivity |
2 | Cold | Heat |
3 | Death | Growth |
4 | Misfortune | Luck |
5 | Drain | Magic |
#worldunrest <value>
Unrest in every province in the world is increased by <value>. Can be negative to reduce unrest.
#worldincdom <value>
Increases dominion in every province in the world by <value> candles.
#worldritrebate <school>
The casting cost of rituals of this school is reduced by 20% for this turn. School numbers are listed in the table below. Worldritrebate can only be used on normal global events (rarity 11 and 12).
Nbr | School |
0 | Conjuration |
1 | Alteration |
2 | Evocation |
3 | Construction |
4 | Enchantment |
5 | Thaumaturgy |
6 | Blood |
7 | Divine |
The entire world is covered in darkness for this turn.
#worldcurse <percent>
Every unit in the world has a <percent> chance of being cursed.
#worlddisease <percent>
Every unit in the world has a <percent> chance of becoming diseased.
#worldmark <percent>
Every unit in the world has a <percent> chance of being horrormarked.
#worldheal <percent>
Each unit in the world has a <percent> chance of having one affliction healed.
#worldage <years>
Everyone in the world ages this many years. Negative numbers reduce age.
#linger <nbr of turns>
Use this command for global events whose effects last for more than one turn.
These commands are used to construct event chains and special events.
#flagland < 0 | 1 >
Sets or removes an event flag from a province. The event flag is displayed as an image of a book on the map.
1 = set flag
0 = remove flag
Requires an event code in the province. If the event code is reset to 0, the flag automatically disappears.
#delay <value>
Succeeding event occurs <value> turns after this event. The succeeding event will not occur normally.
#delay25 <value>
Succeeding event occurs <value> +/- 25% turns after this event. The succeeding event will not occur normally.
#delay50 <value>
Succeeding event occurs <value> +/- 50% turns after this event. The succeeding event will not occur normally.
#delayskip <percent>
Use this command right after a delay command. This is the chance that the next next event will be used instead of the next one, when determining what delayed event to execute. The next next event will not occur normally.
#order <order bitmask>
Set special event orders that are enabled for the province (investigate, accept, decline etc). If several orders are needed to be available, add together all the mask values for the orders. The nil order resets all order options. See table below.
Mask | Event Order |
0 | Nil |
1 | Investigate |
2 | Continue |
4 | Accept |
8 | Decline |
16 | Withdraw |
32 | Attack |
64 | Subterfuge |
128 | Magic |
#code <event code>
Sets the event code of the current province (when planned for globals)
#code2 <event code>
Sets the eventcode of the current province (when executed for globals)
#resetcode <event code>
Removes this event code from the entire world.
#purgecalendar <attr>
Removes an event determined by attr from the global event calendar.
1 = the event that had been added after this event would be affected.
0 = current event
-1 = the previous event.
The event calendar contains the planned global events that will occur in the coming 7 months.
#purgedelayed <attr>
Removes an event from the delayed event list (same attr as previous command). Delayed events are events added by the #delay command.
#id <event identifier>
Sets an event identifier. Used for spells that create anonymous random events.
#codedelay <event code>
Sets the event code of the current province, but not immediately. It will be set after all events have been executed this turn.
#codedelay2 <event code>
Sets the event code of the current province, but not immediately. It will be set after all events have been executed on the next turn.
#resetcodedelay <event code>
Removes this event code from the entire world, but not immediately. It will be removed after all events have been executed this turn.
#resetcodedelay2 <event code>
Removes this event code from the entire world, but not immediately. It will be removed after all events have been executed on the next turn.
Opens the Area Death Match for competitors. Players will be able to send heroes to the arena this turn.
The area battles will be resolved and the winner rewarded. This event (or #resolvearena2) must occur the turn after the #arena event occurred.
Same as #resolvearena1, but it will be an arena where the use of magic is prohibited.
This is an example event that reveals a hidden site in the province.
#rarity -2
#req_hiddensite 1
#msg "A famous prospector has discovered previously unknown deposits of precious jewels. [Hidden Gem Deposits]"
This is a complex event that requires the unique site The Sea of the Tears of Men in the province (hidden or discovered) as well as a humanoid mage with W2D3 or greater set to site search. The event is an uncommon good event for the province owner and can only happen once during a game. If the event triggers, the mage has a chance of getting +1 Water and +1 Death magic and the recipient of the event also gains a Kokythiad commander.
#rarity -2
#nation -2
#req_unique 1
#req_site 1
#req_targhumanoid 1
#req_targpath2 2
#req_targpath3 5
#req_targorder 7
#msg "During a pilgrimage to the River Styx, one of your mages was swept away by the waters and out into the Sea of the Tears of Men. He would have died but for catching the eye of a passing Kokythiad who rescued him and nursed him back to health. With the help of the Kokythiad, he has now found his way back and brought her with him as his wife. [The Sea of the Tears of Men]"
#waterboost -1
#deathboost -1
#com 1477
This event chain contains two events that follow one after another.
#rarity 2
#req_land 1
#req_mountain 1
#req_code 0
#code -509
#flagland 1
#decscale3 5
#incscale2 3
#incunrest 20
#delay 1
#magicitem 9
#msg "Heavy rains have washed away a clearcut hillside, revealing a great stone carved with disquieting runes. At the foot of the stone a skull staff had been planted, but the local lord removed it at once and sent it to the treasury. At night the runes began to glow with a bilious green light. The local hedge witches and soothsayers have reported their cantrips and remedies to be more powerful since, but plants and trees in the vicinity of the stone have begun to wither and die and the circle of devastation is spreading outward. [Skull Staff]"
#rarity 0
#req_code -509
#nation 2 -- special independents
#com "Mound Fiend"
#com "Bane Lord"
#com "Wraith Lord"
#2d6units "Ghost"
#3d6units "Wight"
#code 0
#msg ”At the dark of the moon the runes on the stone uncovered from the hillside flared brightly and the slab moved aside, revealing the entrance to a crypt where a triumvirate of ancient evil had been locked away. With the skull stuff removed, the chains of magic holding the evil contained had unraveled and now the denizens of the prison have attacked the province!”
Note how the second event in the chain resets the event code in the province back to 0 to prevent this event reoccurring and paving the way for other event chains.
This creates a new global enchantment ritual. The global enchantment will active a worldwide event.
#name "Illvaettitime"
#descr "my modded end of the world global"
#school 4
#researchlevel 1
#path 0 6
#pathlevel 2
#fatiguecost 500
#effect 10081
#damage 200
-- The following event will occur whenever there is a global nbr 200 (illvaettitime) in play and disease 10% of all units
#rarity 13
#msg "Illvaettitime strikes again"
#req_ench 200
#req_permonth 1
#worlddisease 10
This is a more advanced example of a global enchantment event.
#name "Illvaettitime II"
#descr "This global enchantment grants the owner 500 gold per month and creates wolf attacks in forest and mountain provinces owned by the enemy. Wolf attacks will only occur inside your dominion."
#school 4
#researchlevel 1
#path 0 6
#pathlevel 2
#fatiguecost 500
#effect 10081
#damage 201
-- This event occurs whenever there is a global nbr 201 (illvaettitime II) in play and gives the owner 500 gold
#rarity 5
#msg "Illvaettitime II gives gold"
#req_myench 201
#req_permonth 1
#gold 500
-- This event may create (50% chance) a small wolf attack in a mountain when global nbr 201 is in effect
#rarity 5
#msg "Illvaettitime II spawned wolves here"
#req_hostileench 201
#req_rare 50
#req_mountain 1
#req_enchdom 201
#nationench 201
#com "Wolf"
#2d6units "Wolf"
-- This event may create (35% chance) a large wolf attack in a forest when global nbr 201 is up
#rarity 5
#msg "Illvaettitime II spawned wolves here"
#req_hostileench 201
#req_rare 35
#req_forest 1
#req_enchdom 201
#nationench 201
#com "Wolf"
#5d6units "Wolf"